Continuing education in the field of education & social care
In this certificate program, participants acquire wide knowledge in German as a second and foreign language. It closely combines theoretical principles and practical training, equipping students with necessary knowledge and competences. This should enable participants to impart German as a second and foreign language to (linguistically) heterogeneous learning groups, mainly in adult education, in a theoretically sound and practical way.
Graduation: Certificate of the University of Vienna
Scope: 2 semesters (extra occupational)
Language: German
The goal of this program is to make the diversity of work environments, organisations and life-worlds visible and to help participants understand them better, thus empowering them in their civil society participation and in their private and professional roles. This course enables processes for personality development through reflexive exchange, team work and supervision, thus also strengthening social, professional and leadership competences.
Graduation: Certificate of the University of Vienna
Scope: 1 semester (extra occupational)
Language: German
Teachers qualify for mentoring. As mentors, they are able to support mentees in dealing professionally with complex educational and teaching situations and in making appropriate decisions.
Contents include the tasks and goals of mentors, the examination of one's own professional biography, the scientific reflection, analysis and argumentation of (one's own) teaching activities and their foundations, as well as the ability to act in a role-appropriate manner in various communicative situations.
Training as a Mentor in Teacher Education Programmes
This certificate program is targeted at teachers at secondary school level who would like to become involved in the training of future teachers. Participants have successfully completed a teacher education program and have a permanent employment contract and at least three years of relevant professional experience.
Graduation: Certificate of the University of Vienna
Duration: 2 semester/ 1 school year (extra occupational)
Scope: 15 ECTS
Language: German -
Mentoring: Starting a Career Professionally
The certificate program "Mentoring: Starting a Career Professionally" enables experienced teachers to professionally support and promote students and career starters as mentors.
Graduation: Certificate of the University of Vienna
Duration: 4 semester (extra occupational)
Scope: 30 ECTS
Language: German
The continuing education program in Philosophical Practice offers the first and only academic education and training in philosophical practice in the German-speaking area and mainly targets people with a Philosophy degree, who would like to use their knowledge and competencies to work outside of the scholarly world of work.
Graduation: Academic Philosophical Practitioner
Scope: 4 semesters (extra occupational)
Language: German
You are in the post-professional stage of life and would like to study, expand your general knowledge from an academic perspective or deal with questions and issues of selected academic disciplines? Participants can look forward to valuable exchange with colleagues and experts at the University of Vienna. Courses exclusively for older students provide you with the opportunity to complete a university degree program.
Individual modules
Modules from different disciplines are freely selectable, each with 5 ECTS points depending on the availability of study places.
Graduation: Certificate of the University of Vienna
Scope: 1 semester
Language: German -
Studium Generale (academic graduate)
The continuing education program is the first post-professional degree program in Austria that allows you to obtain an academic degree. You can complete modules in the following disciplines: Active aging, archaeology, astrophysics, Botany and protection of species, chemistry, geography, german studies, computer science, communication (science), cultural and social anthropology, molecular biology, pharmacobotany, philosophy, physics, political science, law (democracy, inheritance Law), sociology, theology, business and cconomics, contemporary history.
Graduation: Academic Graduate of the General Studies Programme
Scope: 4 semesters
Language: German -
Master-Upgrade Studium Generale
Building on the continuing education program, you can also acquire a Master of Arts (MA) degree.
Graduation: Master of Arts (Continuing Education)
Scope: 2 semesters (after the basic course)
Language: German