Funding and Financing

There are different funding bodies in Austria that help you finance your studies on a continuing education and training program. This page provides an overview of different funding opportunities and scholarships. As the funding opportunities are all different and individual, we recommend contacting the responsible bodies personally. Please note that we cannot guarantee that the information provided on this website is complete, accurate or up to date.

Austrian Public Employment Service (AMS) etc.

Austrian Public Employment Service (AMS)

Educational leave (in German)
Educational leave enables you to complete your studies on a continuing education (master's) program without having to end your employment. Educational leave enables you to complete your studies on a continuing education (master's) program without having to end your employment. Educational leave may be granted for the completion of a continuing education (master's) program as well as of different kinds of school and university degrees for a period of 12 months within four years. 

Adult education helps you find your personal continuing education (master's) program. Simply enter information about your specific life and educational situation to receive a list of funding opportunities that might be suitable for you.

Austrian Database for Scholarships and Research Grants abroad enables you to search for specific funding opportunities suitable for your life and educational situation. After entering your data, the website provides you with an overview of 1,200 entries of possible funding measures.

Förderkompass (overview of funding opportunities) of the Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (in German)
The funding compass provides information about funding and counselling offers at the federal and provincial level and for EU programs. The funding compass also provides you with the contact details of the responsible bodies to obtain information about personal counselling.


Digital Skills (in German)
The Digital Skills Check of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy covers the costs of a continuing education (master's) program for employees of SMEs who want to continue their education in the field of digital competence. Here you can find information about the amount, form of payment and application, as well as contacts person for the Digital Skills Check.

International Funding Opportunities


Further information (in German)
Go-international by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy and the Austrian Economic Chamber provides information about funding in the areas of initial aid for export, fields of strength and growth markets, platforms and networking, and direct funding. Go-international offers initial counselling, supports you in the application process and answers your questions about the procedure, your eligibility for funding, the costs and the settlement. In addition, it provides information about other or complementary programs.

European Commission

European Commission Erasmus+
Erasmus+ is an EU programme for education, training, youth and sport. The website of the European Commission answers questions about opportunities, resources and tools such as documents, guidelines, fact sheets and statistics, and provides information about current projects.

Deutsche Bildung

Deutsche Bildung – student loans (in German)
The company Deutsche Bildung offers you the opportunity to finance your studies. Visit the website to find out about the basic conditions for a student loan, the application procedure and the repayment.

German Academic Exchange Service

Study abroad scholarships (in German)
In the scholarship database of the German Academic Exchange Service you can find funding opportunities for stays abroad, information about the application requirements, the necessary application documents, the selection procedure, the scholarship benefits, the recognition of funding and alternatives as well as restrictions.


BAföG (in German)
The website bafö provides information about the German federal education and training assistance act (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz, BAföG for short), the contents, target group and amount of funding as well as about the submission of applications.

Specific funding opportunities offered by individual Austrian provinces


waff Training Account (in German)
Via the waff Training Account, you can receive funding in the amount of no more than € 2,000. Visit the website to find out whether you and the continuing education (master's) program or certificate program of your choice are eligible for this funding, how high the funding in your case would be and how you can apply for funding.

waff Karenz und Wiedereinstieg (parental leave or care leave and return to work; in German)
With the financial support of the European Social Fund (ESF), the waff Karenz und Wiedereinstieg program provides funding in the amount of no more than € 4,000. Visit the website to find out whether you and the continuing education (master's) program or certificate program of your choice are eligible for this funding, how high the funding in your case would be and how you can apply for funding.

waff FRECH - Frauen ergreifen Chancen (women seize opportunities; in German)
With the financial support of the European Social Fund (ESF), the waff’s FRECH program provides funding in the amount of no more than € 5,000. Visit the website to find out whether you and the continuing education (master's) program or certificate program of your choice are eligible for this funding, how high the funding in your case would be and how you can apply for funding.


Qualifikationsförderungszuschuss (grant for further qualification) awarded by the province of Burgenland (in German)
Find out more about the Qualifikationsförderungszuschuss (grant for further qualification), the funding requirements, the amount of the grant and the necessary contacts and forms on the website of the province of Burgenland


Funding for employees (in German)
On the website you can find information about the funding provided by the province of Carinthia for job-related qualifications and continuing education and training in the maximum amount of € 2,500 over 5 years. The website provides an overview of the funding body, the prerequisites, dates and deadlines as well as access to the necessary forms.

Funding for education provided by the province of Carinthia (in German)
On the website of the province of Carinthia, you can find information about funding for employees, the focus areas, funding of professional continuing education and training, funding of teaching, funding of work-related travel expenses as well as guidelines and leaflets.

Lower Austria

Scholarships and financial aids provided by the province of Lower Austria (in German)
The scholarship platform of the province of Lower Austria provides information to students from Lower Austria about study and research stays, requalification and postgraduate qualifications as part of higher education programs, about the application procedure and further funding opportunities.

Upper Austria

Funding for education and research provided by the province of Upper Austria (in German)
The website of the province of Upper Austria provides an overview of funding opportunities in the area of education and research with a focus on libraries, adult education (e.g. Upper Austrian Training Account), European Union, students etc.


Funding, grants and prizes awarded by the province of Salzburg (in German)
The website of the province of Salzburg provides an overview of support offers, subsidies, awards and access to forms in the areas of energy, Europe, society, environment, etc. You can also find the general funding guidelines of the province of Salzburg.


Erwachsenenbildung Steiermark (in German)
The Weiterbildungsnavi (navigator for further education) provided by Erwachsenenbildung Steiermark is a tool that allows you to search for continuing education programs and providers. Here, you can also find information about personal counselling offers as well as insights into the Bildungsnetzwerk Steiermark (Styrian education network). 

SFG - Funding provided by Steirische Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft (Styrian business development agency)
The Steirische Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft m.b.H. (SFG, Styrian business development agency) offers an overview of your funding schemes, your contact persons for funding opportunities and an area for downloading useful information about all funding initiatives of the SFG.

Grazer Fonds für Aufstieg und Entwicklung (Graz fund for advancement and development; in German)
The website of the Graz fund provides an overview of the groups of people eligible for funding and the application procedure, lists the necessary documents and provides information about deadlines, dates and contact details.


Funding provided by the province of Tyrol (in German)
The province of Tyrol provides an overview of funding opportunities, scholarships and loans, ranging from education aids to funding of science provided by the province. In addition, you can find the contact details of the office of the Tyrolean regional government on this website.

Tiroler Bildungswegweiser (guide to educational offers in Tyrol; in German)
The Tiroler Bildungswegweiser (guide to educational offers in Tyrol) by the Tyrol Board of Education provides definitions and information about financial aids and scholarships of the province. On the website, you also find information about counselling offers on various topics, such as educational and vocational counselling.


Bildungszuschuss Land Vorarlberg (educational grant awarded by the province of Vorarlberg; in German)
Visit the website for information about the training account, the educational bonus for employees or continuing education programs in Vorarlberg.

bifo: overview of individual funding for continuing education and training in Vorarlberg (in German)
Bifo (Beratung für Bildung und Beruf) provides information about degree programs and continuing education and training, as well as about the return to work and gives you access to counselling options and FAQ.

Further financing opportunities

Tax deductibility of the costs for continuing education and training

Further information (in German)
The WIFI provides information about the tax deductibility of the costs for professional education and training. Find out which costs for continuing education and training are tax-deductible.

Funding for (continuing) education and training

Raiffeisen Bildungsfinanzierung – loan for (continuing) education and training (in German)
On the website you find information about funding opportunities for your initial and continuing education and training, for bachelor's, master’s, diploma or doctoral programs, university continuing education and training programs, or for course materials such as books, lecture notes or technical equipment. Additionally, you can find the necessary contact details (telephone, contact form or e-mail). 

Bausparkasse Bildungsdarlehen – loan for (continuing) education and training (in German)
The Bausparkasse of Erste Bank provides information about funding opportunities for your initial and continuing education and training, an overview of the funding opportunities by means of a loan calculator as well as the opportunity to arrange consultation appointments.

Wüstenrot MeinGelddarlehen - loan for (continuing) education and training (in German)
The MeinGelddarlehnen Stabil – Bildung scheme by Wüstenrot is a funding opportunity for education and practice-oriented continuing education and training. You can find information about this form of funding and contact addresses for personal counselling at