Accessible studying

On this page you will find a brief overview of information and advice on the topic of accessible studying as well as contact points at the University of Vienna. 

Accessible studying – information and counseling

The website of the Accessible Studying team provides study-related information about accessible studying. In addition, you can find further information about accessibility at the University of Vienna on the accessible teaching website (in German) and on the accessibility portal. Furthermore, the University offers a variety of information events. 

Please contact the Accessible Studying team if you have any questions. They provide counseling via e-mail or telephone, or in person: Counseling hours of the Accessible Studying team 

Contact points

The University of Vienna pursues a decentralized model of accessibility. This means that there is no separate department or individual person in charge of all aspects relating to accessibility. The implementation of accessibility takes place on site. 
Depending on your requirements, different units at the University of Vienna are responsible. 

>> Overview of units responsible for accessibility (in German)