The UNIBILITY project produced different intellectual outputs in four phases:
- STOCKTAKING PHASE (10/2015-02/2016): In the first phase, a Reader on USR as learning and training material was produced, and an interactive USR-Toolkit with 21 good practice examples how to actively connect universities with their local communities.
- TRAINING PHASE (03/2016-10/2016): In the training phase, 28 university staff members and 34 students were trained in USR and respective training material (curriculum, workshop handouts, etc.) were developed for this purpose.
- IMPLEMENTATION PHASE (11/2016-03/2017): Then project partners, students and researchers actively implemented USR activities to benefit their local communities based on the trainings which were held before. In each country, one service learning project with students took place, and was documented interactively using videos. Also, active cooperation with business partners and NGOs in lectures and workshop series were initiated.
- ROLL-OUT PHASE (04/2017-09/2017): In the roll-out phase, a recommendation for universities about USR was written, which was disseminated at an international multiplier event/conference in Barcelona, Spain.