European Studies

The postgraduate master’s program in European Studies equips students with academic, practice-oriented and interdisciplinary knowledge of the economic, legal, political and socio-cultural development perspectives of European integration. Furthermore, it aims at analyzing specifics of information and knowledge management within the European Union. 

The program is targeted at people who work or would like to work with national and multinational corporations, banks, the insurance industry, institutions in the field of social and culture management, national administrations, European and international organizations, as well as in continuing education and training. The program aims at expanding the participants’ individual potential for innovation, their subject-specific competences and their personal experience.

Short Facts

Master of Arts (Continuing Education)
4 semesters (extra occupational)
120 ECTS Credits
EUR 14.800,- + additional costs for excursion to Brussels
October 2024


Interested in the master's program?

Are you interested in the postgraduate program?

We have a mailinglist through which we send out information about and around the master's program "European Studies". If you are interested, you can sign up for it here

Should you have any questions about the master's program "European Studies" we can also arrange an appointment. You can reach us via or +43-1-4277-10816.

Online event

Insight into the master program “European Studies”

There will be an online information event about the master program "European Studies" offered at the University of Vienna on September 11th, 2024 at 18.00. The scientific director Prof. Christoph Reinprecht will give a short input from his lecture "European Societies in Transition" in the master program. Use this opportunity to get a preview into (one of) the contents of the master program. After the input there will be room for a discussion and questions.

We will also present the curriculum of the postgraduate program and give organizational information about the application process. Please register at:


The curriculum of the postgraduate program "European Studies" has been amended and updated and the next start of the master program will be in the summer term 2024. We have asked the scientific director, Prof. Christoph Reinprecht, for an interview about the new curriculum. You can read the interview here.

5 reasons

Interested in a master program in European Studies? Here are 5 reasons for the postgraduate progam "European Studies" offered at the University of Vienna.

News informs about the new launch of the master program "European Studies" in October 2023, its background as well as study contents. Please find the article (in German) here

Social Media

Get news and stories about the European Studies postgraduate program at the University of Vienna. Follow us on Facebook and/ or LinkedIn.

Applications open

Applications for the next start of the master program "European Studies" in the winter term 2024 are open! You can find further information about the application process here. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the program management via



With the new curriculum, several new courses have been introduced into the syllabus of our master program "European Studies". One of them is the redesigned course on "EU Legislation" which will not only focus on imparting legal fundamentals but also feature a simulation of the EU legislative process, to provide a practical insight into this complex subject matter. You can watch this video to get a preliminary insight into the course from lecturer Dr. Ralph Janik.


We talked to the scientific director, Professor Christoph Reinprecht, about what's new in the updated curriculum and what makes the "European Studies" program at the University of Vienna special. Find the interview here: part I and part II.

Voices of graduates

Are you interested in the experiences of graduates of the postgraduate program? Find out what alumni say about the master program here