Graduation 2024

After a ride on Vienna’s Giant Wheel and an entertaining Farewell Dinner at the Schweizerhaus in Vienna’s Prater the night before, 11 students from 8 countries received the LL.M. in International Law together with further graduates from the LL.M. Program in European and International Business Law on 27 September 2024.

The graduates came from the following countries: Austria, Albania, Belgium, Colombia, Germany, Nepal, Netherlands, Taiwan, and the Ukraine.

This year, Maurits Geerardyn (Belgium) excelled with the best grades in all subjects, followed closely by Maria Escobar Gil (Colombia) and Yu-Ning Liu (Taiwan).

  • Maurits Geerardyn‘s thesis was supervised by Prof. Gerhard Hafner and carries the title: “The Status of the European Union as a party to multilateral agreements: a reflection on the practice of competences.”
  • Maria Escobar Gil‘s thesis was supervised by Prof. August Reinisch and carries the title: "The Role of International Courts in the settlement of Disputes between private parties and regional economic integration organizations in Africa, Latin America and the Carribean".
  • Yu-Ning Liu’s thesis was supervised by Prof. Aniruddha Rajput and carries the title: "Understanding the Legal Reality of Migrant Domestic Workers in Taiwan: an Human Rights Law Comparative Study through the Lens of Taiwanese special Treaty Monitoring Reports."

Graduation 2024