Lunch-time Lectures
Jointly with the Section for International Law and International Relations the LL.M. program organizes a series of lectures and presentations on topical issues of international law. Practitioners and academics provide their insights into various current problems and developments and find a forum for discussion.
Among the lectures recently held are:
Philipp JANIG
Post-Doctoral Researcher and Lecturer at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich, University of Vienna
The OPEC Immunity Cases before the Austrian Constitutional Court: The continuing impact of Waite and Kennedy
10 March 2025
Charlotte KU
Professor of Law and Director for Global Programs, Texas A&M University, School of Law, Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Localizing international law: implementing international law on a subnational level
12 February 2025
Professor of International Law Massey College, University of Toronto
The ITLOS-ICJ climate change advisory proceedings
30th January 2025
Assoc. Professor in Law, University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia
The impact of investment treaties on domestic governance in developing countries
22 January 2025
Hersch Lauterpacht Chair in Public International law, The Hebrew University Jerusalem
Three Generations of Digital Human Rights
10 December 2024
PhD fellow Department of Law SDU-University of Southern Denmark, Odensee
Exploring a case of a digital challenge to international investment and trade law: data as an investment?
14 November 2024
Professor of Law, Northwestern Pritzker School of Law Deputy Director, Northwestern Buffett Institute for Global Affairs
Redrawing Europe's Map-of-Logo: Asylum, Territory, and Empire” with Neha Jain
6 November 2024
Lecturer Law, Te Pringa Faculty of Law, University of Waikato
Negotiating the Algorithmic Turn in Law: Mapping and Ordering
23rd October 2024
Professor emer. of international law and European law at the Universities of St. Gallen, the Geneva Graduate Institute of International Relations and the European University Institute at Florence
How to respond to UN and WTO Governance Failures? Lessons from Europe's Ordoliberal Constitutionalism
20 June 2024
Christiane AHLBORN
Assistant Professor of Public International Law Trinity College Dublin
Discussion “Establishing an International Organization to Regulate Artificial Intelligence”
19 June 2024
Christiane AHLBORN
Assistant Professor of Public International Law Trinity College Dublin
Lifting the Corporate Veil: The Responsibility of International Organizations and their Member States
12 June 2024
Legal Adviser at the Mexican Embassy to Austria and the Perm.Mission of Mexico to the UN Vienna
Mexican Gun Litigation before US Courts
21 May 2024
Daniel Ricardo Quiroga VILLAMARIN
PhD Candidate, Graduate Inst. International Development Studies, Geneva; Writing-up Fellow, Max Planck Inst. f Social Anthropology, Halle, Germany
Architects of the Better World: Building a City for the United Nations in Cold War Vienna (1966-1987)
25 April 2024
Dr. Jane Alice HOFBAUER, LL.M.
Researcher and Lecturer at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich, and University of Vienna
Killing It Softly… The Effect of Fundamental (Public) Interests on the Role of Consent in Questions of Jurisdiction
10th April 2024
Dr. Roberta METSOLA, MA.
President of the European Parliament
The future of the European Union and the upcoming elections.
19th March 2024
Assoc. Professor in International Human Rights, Dept. Legal Studies, Central European University Vienna
What Makes the UN Special Procedures Special? -Independent Experts Within a Political System
13th March 2024
Researcher and Lecturer at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich
Dr. Philipp JANIG
Researcher and Lecturer at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich
Mag. Dr. Ralph JANIK, LL.M.
Lecturer of International Law in Vienna, Budapest, and Munich
The Genozide in Gaza?
The South Africa-Israel dispute at the International Court of Justice
31st January 2024
Junichiro OTAKA
Minister (Deputy Chief of Mission) Embassy of Japan in Austria
Climate Change Treaty Regime and International Order - Trends, Policies and Future Implications
9th January 2024
Dr. Sebastian GRUND
Legal Counsel, International Monetary Fund, Washington
Sovereign Debt Restructuring and the Law.
The Holdout Creditor Problem in Argentina and Greece.
19th December 2023
Dominik Jordi ORNIG
Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law
Enforcement and Execution against Digital Assets - Executive Decisions and Immunized Economies
5th December 2023
Professor for International Relations and Law, Dept. of Political Science, University College London
Settling Russia’s Imperial and Baltic Depts
13th October 2023
Professor for International Law, Faculty of Sustainability Studies, Hosei University, Tokyo
Discharge of ALPS (Advanced Liquid Processing System) treated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant – Legal perspectives
22nd June 2023
Dr. Péter D. SZIGETI
Ass. Prof., Faculty of Law, University of Alberta
The Crisis of Jurisdiction and the Search for Meta-Jurisdictional Principles
14th June 2023
Dr. Ralph JANIK
Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Vienna
The Crime of Ecocide – Utopia, Dystopia or Necessity ?
6th June 2023
Dr. Catharina TITI
Research Associate Professor at the CNRS - Paris
Who Owns the Parthenon Marbles? An International Law Perspective
4th May 2023
Dipl.-Jur. Christoph SCHREINMOSER
PhD Candidate, Faculty of Law, University of A Coruña
Safeguarding the Intangible: The international legal regime for the protection of intangible cultural heritage from intentional destruction
20th April 2023
Postdoctoral Researcher and Lecturer at the Section of International Law and International Relations, University of Vienna
Legal and political implications of the ICC’s arrest warrant against Vladimir Putin
29th March 2023
Michelle ZANG
Senior Lecturer in International Trade Law, Faculty of Law, Victoria University of Wellington
Indigenous interests under international trade and investment law
8th March 2023
Anirudda RAJPUT, PhD
Post-doc-Fellow at the University of Vienna, Section for International Law and International Relations
Influences on the Law of the Sea: A Perspective from the Indian Ocean
18th January 2023
Professor of International Economic Law, Public International Law, European Law and Public Law
and Jean Monnet Chair for the EU Constitutional Framework for International Dispute Settlement and Rule of Law at the University of Saarland
Foreign Direct Investment Screening and the Rule of Law
15th December 2022
Professor of Law at Richmond Law School, Virginia;
Senior Fellow at Columbia’s Law School’ International Claims and Reparations Project (ICPR), New York
Creating a Reparation Mechanism for Ukraine
7th December 2022
Prof. Gerhard HAFNER
Prof.ret. International Law, University of Vienna
Ambassador Helmut TICHY
Legal Adviser, Austrian Ministry for European and International Affairs
Prof. August REINISCH
Professor of International and European Law, University of Vienna
The Current Work of the ILC and the Debate in the 6th Committee of the UN General Assembly
6th December 2022
Dept. L. Yves Fortier Chair, McGill Universität Montreal, Kanada
The rule of law and international investment arbitration
4 November 2022
Prae.Doc. Ass., Section for International Law and International Relations, University of Vienna
The screening of foreign investments to protect security and public order – an emerging issue for international investment law?
19 October 2022
Lecturer in International Law, Palacký University, Olomouc
The Protection of Foreign Investments during Armed Conflict
18 May 2022
Carlo de STEFANO
Lecturer in International Law, Roma Tre University
The Internationalization of Non-commercial Values in the Legal Protection of Foreign Investments
12 May 2022
Professor of International Economic Law. University of Miami School of Law, Non-Resident Senior Fellow
Georgetown Institute of International Economic Law
The New Trade Law
27 April 2022
(this lunchtime lecture was held online)
Irmgard MARBOE
Dept. of European, International and Comparative Law, University of Vienna
Mitigating Threats from Asteroids and Comets – Legal Aspects
30 March 2022
(this lunchtime lecture was held online)
Georg-Wilhelm GALLHOFER
Austrian Federal Ministry for European and Foreign Affairs
Michael MOFFAT,
Doctoral Student, University of Vienna
Professor of International Law, University of Vienna
Current Perspectives of International Nuclear Law
16 March 2022
(this lunchtime lecture was held online)
Gregor NOVAK J.S. 21`, Yale Law School
Global Lawmaking and Social Change: The Varieties and Dynamics of Customary International Lawmaking
26nd January 2022
(this lunchtime lecture was held online)
Prof. Gerhard HAFNER
Prof.ret. International Law, University of Vienna
Ambassador Helmut TICHY
Legal Adviser, Austrian Ministry for European and International Affairs
Prof. August REINISCH
Professor of International and European Law, University of Vienna
The Current Work of the ILC and the Debate in the 6th Committee of the UN General Assembly
16th December 2021
(this lunchtime lecture was held online)
Tenured researcher at the Institute for Economic Analysis (IAE(CSIC)), Associate Research Professor and Program Director of the Data Science for Decision Making M.Sc., Barcelona School of Economics (BSE)
Using Text to Predict Armed Conflict: A Machine Learning Approach
24th November 2021
(this lunchtime lecture was held online)
Ko-Yung TUNG
Harvard Law School, former General Counsel of World Bank, former ICSID Secretary General
China’s One Belt, One Road and International Investment Arbitration:
Issues and Challenges
26 May 2021
(in compliance with measures preventing the spread of COVID-19, this lunchtime lecture was held online)
Elisabeth KÖGLER
Unit Head, Cyber Diplomacy, Disinformation and Hybrid Threats, Deputy Head of the Security Policy Dept., Austrian Ministry for European and International Affairs
Isabella BRUNNER
Researcher and Lecturer in Public International Law, Sec.International Law and International Relations, University of Vienna
International Law and Cyberspace:
The Adoption of the UN OEWG Report and its Implications for International Law and Cyber Diplomacy
12 May 2021
(in compliance with measures preventing the spread of COVID-19, this lunchtime lecture was held online)
Professor of Constitutional and International Law, University of Potsdam,
Director of the Potsdam Centre of Human Rights
The ICC Decision on Jurisdiction concerning Palestine
22 April 2021
(in compliance with measures preventing the spread of COVID-19, this lunchtime lecture was held online)
Professor of Public International Law, Kobe University
Territorial and Maritime Disputes from a Japanese Perspective — Insights from the Recent Case Law
23 March 2021
(in compliance with measures preventing the spread of COVID-19, this lunchtime lecture was held online)
Jennifer TRAHANI
Clinical Professor and Director of the Concentration in International Law & Human Rights, New York University, Center for Global Affairs
Existing Legal Limits to Security Council — Veto Power in the Face of Atrocity Crimes
10 March 2021
(in compliance with measures preventing the spread of COVID-19, this lunchtime lecture was held online)
Former Director, Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea Office of Legal Affairs, United Nations (DOALOS)
What can the international community expect from the future treaty on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction?
11 December 2020
(in compliance with measures preventing the spread of COVID-19, this lunchtime lecture was held online)
Senior Advisor, Former General Counsel of the World Green Economy Organization and Legal Counsel/Acting General Counsel of the Green Climate Fund
Membership in International Organizations, Paradigms of Membership Structures, Legal Implications of Membership and the Concept of International Organization
11 November 2020
(in compliance with measures preventing the spread of COVID-19, this lunchtime lecture was held online)
Permanent Representative of Austria to the United Nations Office in Geneva,
President of the UN Human Rights Council
UN-Menschenrechtsarbeit in Zeiten von Covid-19
24 June 2020
(in compliance with measures preventing the spread of COVID-19, this lunchtime lecture was held online)
Michael WAIBEL
Professor of International Law, University of Vienna
The German Constitutional Court and Central Bank Independence
3 June 2020
(in compliance with measures preventing the spread of COVID-19, this lunchtime lecture was held online)
Professor of International Law, University of Vienna, Member of the Perm. Mission of Arbitration
The Hague Rules on Business and Human Rights Arbitration
13 May 2020
(in compliance with measures preventing the spread of COVID-19, this lunchtime lecture was held online)
Campbell McLACHLAN
Professor of International Law, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Equality of Parties before International Investment Tribunals – Introducing the 2019 Resolution of the Institut de Droit International
21 January 2020
PhD Fellow of the Research Foundation-Flanders (FWO) at the Leuven Centre for Global Governance
Constructing a duty to repair for armed groups in post-conflict settings: Insights from Colombia
16 December 2019
Reader in Public International Law at University College London, Faculty of Laws
International Law of Mega-Awards
12 December 2019
Gerhard HAFNER, Professor for International Law (ret.), University of Vienna
Helmut TICHY, Legal Adviser of the Austrian Foreign Ministry
August REINISCH, Professor for International Law, Sec. Int’l Law and Int’l Relations, University of Vienna
The Current Work of the ILC and the Debate in the 6th Committee of the UN General Assembly
20 November 2019
Researcher at the Sec.International Law, University of Vienna; previously Judicial Fellow, International Court of Justice
The Procedure of Decision Making at the International Court of Justice
24 October 2019
Ebrahim AFSAH
Professor of Islamic and International Law, Dept. Islamic-Theological Studies and Dept. European, International & Comparative Law, University of Vienna
Nuclear Arms Control in the Middle East
27 September 2019
Doctoral Research Fellow, Dept. International Private Law, Oslo University
Empirics and Dogmatics of Contract Interpretation in Investment Treaty Arbitration
19 June 2019
Assoc. Prof. of Public International Law, George Washington University Law School
Rethinking ILO Sanctions
12 June 2019
Makane Moise MBENGUE
Prof. International Law, Univ. Geneva; Affil.Prof. at Sciences Po, Paris
Advising African Countries to Negotiate International Investment Agreements
25 April 2019
Professor of Law, University of Victoria (BC, Canada)
We are still in the age of encounter: five forms of sovereignty, perceived through the lense of indigenous people
4 April 2019
Professor of International Law, University of Cyprus
Social Rights of Minorities in International Law
28 March 2019
Professor of International Law at Ghent Rolin-Jaequemyns International Law Institute (GRILI), Faculty of Law and Criminology, Ghent University
Jus ad bellum in non-international armed conflicts?
15 March 2019
Attila M. TANZI
Professor and Chair of International Law, School of Law, University of Bologna
Balancing Judicial Autonomy and the Autonomy of the Parties in International Adjudication and Arbitration
16 January 2019
LL.M. dual PhD candidate at the University of Geneva and the University of Vienna, currently teaching and research assistant at the Dept. Public International Law and International Organizations, University of Geneva
Sustainable Development and the International Investment Law Making of the European Union
18 December 2018
Professor of International Law and Director of Studies, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, University of Geneva
The Unbearable Lightness of International Law
12 December 2018
Legal Research Officer on Asylum, Migration and Borders, EU Fundamental Rights Agency (Vienna); Visiting Lecturer on Public International Law, Corvinus University, Budapest
(Ab)normality of International Migration Law; Structural Asymmetries and Contradictions
4 December 2018
Veronika BÍLKOVÁ
Head of the Centre for International Law, Inst. International Relations, Prague, Vice-President of the Venice Commission
Tobias STOLL
Professor of Public and Public International Law, Göttingen University, Executive Director of the Institute for International Law and European Law
Rule of Law and International Investment Law
31 October 2018
Doc-Fellow at the Inst. for Global and Law Policy, Harvard Law School, PhD Candidate at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, University of Vienna
From concession agreements to investment protection - internationalizing the framework
19 October 2018
Christopher KUNER
Prof.of Law, Vrije Universiteit Brüssel (VUB), Co-Director, Brussels Privacy Hub (VUB), Assoc. Centre of European Legal Studies, Cambridge, Editor in Chief, International Data Privacy Law
International Organizations and the EU General Data Protection Regulation: Exploring the Interaction between EU Law and International Law
16 October 2018
Dr.Phil (Oxon), Justus-Liebig Universität Gießen, and Dept. Legal and Constitutional Law, University of Vienna
Jean Dumont's "Corps universel diplomatique du droit de gens" as an Austrian contribution to the law of nations
20 June 2018
Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Liverpool
"What's in a Name?" making legal sense of the US steel and Aluminium tariffs
16 May 2018
Assoc.Prof. of International Law, Dept. of Law, University of Ferrara
Identifying the Content of Due Diligence Obligations: the Role of International Courts and Tribunals
3 May 2018
Chair Professor of Commercial Law and Dean of the Law School at City University of Hong Kong
Post-Brexit Consumer Protection Law in the UK
24 April 2018
Stephan HOBE,
University of Cologne, Visiting Professor, University of Vienna
Einige Gedanken zum virtuellen Recht (sog. Cyber Law)
12 April 2018
Nadia KALB, Legal Adviser, Permanent Mission of Austria to the UN in New York, Co-Commentators:
Astrid REISINGER CORACINI, Sec. International Law& Int'l Relations, Univ. Wien, Konrad BÜHLER, Head, Dept. International Law, Fed.Ministry f. Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs
The Activation of the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court regarding Crime and Aggression: A Success of Austrian Diplomacy
6 March 2018
Senior Lecturer, University of Edinburgh, Visiting Professor at the University of Vienna
Jurisdiction and Admissibility in Investment Arbitration - why bother?
24 January 2018
Director of the Institute of Public International Law, Air Law and International Relations, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Use of Force against Civil Aircraft-A Case Study on Malaysia Airlines MH17
6 December 2017
Postdoctoral Fellow, Univ. Oslo, PluriCourts Centre of Excellence
Should National Courts be co-opted as Investment Courts?
6 November 2017
Aniruddha RAJPUT
Member, UN International Law Commission; Advocate, Supreme Court of India
Evidence before International Courts and Tribunals
11 October 2017
Robin GEIß
Professor of International Law and Security, University of Glasgow
Autonomous Weapons Systems - Contemporary Developments at the UN
8 June 2017
Christian STROHAL
Ambassador, Special Representative f. the Austrian OSCE Chairmanship 2017
Security in Europe - and where are Human Rights and the OSCE?
31 May 2017
Professor Andrea K. BJORKLUND
L.Yves Fortier Chair in International Arbitration and International Commercial Law, Mc Gill University, Montreal
The CETA "Court"
24 May 2017
Mary Ellen O'CONNELL
Robert and Marion Short Professor of Law and Research Professor of International Dispute Resolution, Kroc Institute, University of Notre Dame
A Role for Beauty in International Legal Theory
15 May 2017
Research Fellow at the Eric Castrén Institute of International Law and Human Rights, University of Helsinki
The Project of Positivism in International Law
27 April 2017
LL.M. (Bruges), PhD (Rome, La Sapienza), Assoc. Prof.of International Law, Dept. of Law, University of Ferrara
Universal Civil Jurisdiction and the European Convention of Human Rights: the Case of Nait Liman vs. Switzerland
25 April 2017
Prof. emerita and Director of the National Center for Remote Sensing, Air, and Space Law of the University of the Mississippi School of Law (2001-2013), Visiting Professor at the Beijing Institute of Technology School of Law (China)
The 2015 U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act and some International Law Considerations
7 April 2017
Herbert and Rose Rubin Professor of International Law, NY Univ. School of Law, Co-Editor in Chief, American Journal of International Law
The Use (and Misuse) of European Human Rights Law in Investment Arbitration
5 April 2017
Hiroshi ODA
Sir Ernest Satow Professor of Japanese Law, University College London, Attorney at Law, Nagashimo Ohno and Tsunematsu (Japan), Solicitor (England and Wales), Member of the ICC Court of Arbitration
Arbitration Reform in Russia: a Path towards Protectionism?
22 March 2017
Visiting Fellow, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva (2016-17), Professor of Law, University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor
How and Why International Law Binds International Organizations
13 March 2017
Prof. Gerhard HAFNER, Prof. International Law (ret.), Univ. Vienna Ambassador Dr. Helmut TICHY, Legal Adviser of the Austrian Foreign Ministry Prof. August REINISCH, Section f. International Law and Relations, Univ. Vienna
The Current Work of the ILC and the Debate in the 6th Committee of the UN General Assembly during its 71st Session in November 2016
15 December 2016
Prof. Pavel STURMA
Head, the Department of International Law, Charles University in Prague, Member of International Law Commission
Immunity of State Officials from Foreign Criminal Jurisdiction
1 December 2016
Dept. of European, Comparative and International Law, University of Vienna
Certain Iranian Assets: Legal Implications arising from the most recent case before the ICJ?
16 November 2016
Michael WAIBEL
University Senior Lecturer, University of Cambridge, Faculty of Law; Co-Deputy Director, Lauterpacht Centre for International Law
Non-discrimination in International Economic Law: Convergence or Divergence?
27 October 2016
Gudrun ZAGEL
Professor of International Law and Human Rights, University of the Federal Army Neubiberg Munich /Germany
WTO and Human Rights: The WTO's Responsibility under International Law
18 October 2016
Andreas KUMIN
Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs, Professor for European, Law, University of Graz
Professor for European Law, University of Vienna
Friedl WEISS
Professor for European Law (ret.), University of Vienna
The BREXIT: Legal Implications
11 October 2016
Daniel RAMOS
Legal Officer, Trade & Environment Division, World Trade Organization (WTO)
WTO & Climate Change
15 June 2016
Professor of Law, Santa Clara University School of Law Faculty, California
The Supremacy of Treaties over State Law
6 June 2016
James D. FRY
Associate Professor of Law and Director of the LLM program, University of Hong Kong; Visiting Associate Professor of International Law, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University
Conflict in the East China Sea
31 May 2016
Main participants: Björn AHL, University of Cologne, Matthew ERIE, Oxford University, Christian GÖBEL, University of Vienna, FU Yulin, Peking University Law School, Christian GÖBEL, University of Vienna, HOU Meng, Peking University Law School, LI Ling, University of Vienna, Agnes SCHICK-CHEN, University of Vienna
China’s Judicial Reforms and the Rule-of-Law as a Political Program under Xi Jinping
3 June 2016
Professor emeritus, Department of International Law, University of Vienna, Member of the Institut de Droit International
Court Generated State Practice?
24 May 2016
Former Legal Counsel of the Interim Secretariat and Acting General Counsel of the Secretariat of the Green Climate Fund
The Green Climate Fund as a New Type of International Organization
18 April 2016
Boldizsár NAGY
Associate Professor of Public International Law, Eötvös Loránd University and Central European University
Pioneer of the wrong cause. Hungary's refugee policy in 2015-201
14 March 2016
Markus P. BEHAM
MMag., LL.M. (Columbia), uni:docs fellow, Department of Legal
Philosophy, Law of Religion and Culture
The Illusion of Customary International Human Rights Law, An Analysis of ‘Non-Treaty’ Obligations for ‘Moral Concepts’
20 January 2016
Christian TAMS
Professor of International Law, University of Glasgow
State Succession and Investment Protection: Where A Special Regime Meets General International Law
14 January 2016
Professor Gerhard HAFNER
Professor for International Law (ret.), University of Vienna
Ambassador Dr. Helmut TICHY
Legal Advisor of the Austrian Foreign Ministry
Professor Dr. August REINISCH
Section for International Law and International Relations, University of Vienna
The Current Work of the ILC and the Debate in the 6th Committee
of the UN General Assembly during its 70th Session in
November 2015
3 December 2015
MMag., LL.M., Department for European, International and Comparative Law,
Section for International Law and International Relations
The conflict in Syria and the ius ad bellum
24 November 2015
Vivienne BATH
BA (Asian Studies), LLB (Australian National University), LLM (Harvard University),
Professor of Chinese and International Business Law, Sydney Law School,
China and Australia: Developments in legal approaches to domestic and international Investment
29 October 2015
Alberto E. DOJAS
Lawyer (University of Buenos Aires –UBA-), Master in International Affairs (Columbia University), Doctorate in International Law (Summa Cum Laude, UBA). Former OPCW Legal Adviser Legality of a Use of Force and the Practice of States
What can be expected in the next two decades?
21 October 2015
Dr. iur., LL.M. (NYU), Senior Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law
Lawmaking through Principles of International Law?
The Example of Sovereign Debt Restructurings
14 October 2015
Lord Jonathan MINCE
Chair of the International Law Association and
Judge of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom
International Law Issues before the UK Supreme Court
2 September 2015 _______________________________________________________________________
Dr. Ioannis STRIBIS
Legal Services, OSCE Secretariat
Congress of Vienna and OSCE: Parallel Lives?
1 September 2015
Larry Johnson
Adjunct Professor Columbia Law School, New York
Former Deputy Legal Counsel of the UN and Legal Adviser of the IAEA
Legal Challenges of the UN headquartered in the US
3 June 2015
Professor Attila M. Tanzi, PhD
Chair of International Law, School of Law, University of Bologna – Alma Mater
Studiorum Visiting Professor, Queen Mary, University of London
Hard and Soft Law Instruments of Codification of International Law
4 May 2015
Judith Knieper
Legal Officer UNCITRAL
The decision-making process of UNCITRAL: the example of the Rules on Transparency in Treatybased Investor-State Arbitration
25 March 2015
Professor Dr. Gerhard Hafner
Professor for International Law (emer.), University of Vienna
Ambassador Dr. Helmut Tichy
Legal Advisor of the Austrian Foreign Ministry
Professor Dr. August Reinisch
Section for International Law and International Relations,
University of Vienna
The Current Work of the ILC and the Debate in the 6th Committee
of the UN General Assembly during its 69th Session
17 December 2014 _______________________________________________________________________
Sophie Villette
Diplomate, Conseillère à l’Ambassade de France en Autriche
La politique africaine de la France et la vision française du rôle de l’Union européenne en Afrique
à la lumière des récentes missions françaises et européennes au Mali et en République Centrafricaine
1 Décembre 2014
Oliver Landwehr
Crime Prevention & Criminal Justice Officer, Corruption and Economic Crime Branch, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
Understanding and Taming Global Corruption: The Universal Approach of the UN Convention Against Corruption
18 November 2014
Ross P. Buckley
CIFR King & Wood Mallesons Professor of International Finance and Regulation
and Scientia Professor, University of New South Wales, Sydney
A Stable and Resilient Global Financial System:
What would it take?
17 November 2014
Prof. Aristoteles Constantinides
Ass. Professor of International Law and Human Rights, University of Cyprus
Revisiting the right to development:
the current state of the debate
15 October 2014
Prof. Longyue ZHAO
Professor and Director, China Center f. International Development at Nankai University
China’s growing involvement in global economic governance
7 July 2014
OPEC General Legal Counsel
The Role of the Legal Office at OPEC
25 June 2014
em. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Karl Zemanek
Professor emeritus, Department of International Law, University of Vienna, Member of the Institut de Droit International
War Crimes in Modern Warfare – Robots and Outsourcing
7 May 2014
Professor Dr. Stephan Hobe, LL.M.
University of Cologne
Responsibility to Protect in Practice (Libya and Syria)
26 March 2014
Book Presentation
Foreign Investment, International Law and Common Concerns
edited by Tullio Treves, Francesco Seatzu and Seline Trevisanut
pulished by Routledge
14 March 2014
Prof. Dr. Joachim Gruber
Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau
Intraeuropäische internationale Organisationen in der EU
6 March 2014
MMag. Ralph Janik, LL.M.
Assistant at the Section for International Law and International Relations, University of Vienna
From Textbook to TV-Screen: International Law & Policy in ‘Homeland’
22 January 2014
Dr. Vasilka Sancin
Assistant Professor of International Law, Director of the Institute for International Law and International Relations, University of Ljubljana
Slovenia-Croatia Border Dispute
13 December 2013
Deputy Legal Adviser Gregor Schusterschitz
Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, Vienna
Professor August Reinisch
Section for International Law and International Relations, University of Vienna
The Current Work of the ILC and the Debate in the 6th Committee
of the UN General Assembly during its 68th Session
4 December 2013
Erich Schweighofer, August Reinisch, Walter Hötzendorfer, Janos Böszörmenyi, Stephan Varga
Section for International Law and International Relations, University of Vienna
OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) through Embassies in Austria. Is that lawful?
Ambassador Helmut Tichy
Austrian Fed.Min. for European and Foreign Affairs, Sec. International Law
23 October 2013
Dr. Joanna GOMULA, LL.M.
Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, University of Cambridge
The Clash between International Trade Law and Environmental Protection: Is there anything new at the World Trade Organization?
11 June 2013
Dr. Christopher Michaelsen
University of New South Wales, Australia
The Responsibility-to-Protect Doctrine after Libya and Syria: Yesterday’s Concept for Yesterday’s Problems?
4 June 2013
Assoc.Prof. Dr. Pål Wrange, LL.M, PhD.
Director of Stockholm Center for International Law, Stockholm University, Faculty of Law
The past, present and future of permanent neutrality – The Swedish Experience
16 May 2013
Dr. Hanno Scheuch, LL.M
Senior Counsel, OPEC Fund for International Development,
The Role of Legal Counsel in an International Organisation
6 May 2013
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhard Hafner
Professor of International Law, ret. University of Vienna
Argentina's battle against the 'vulture funds' - the case ARA Libertad
24 January 2013
Dr. Tobias Nowak
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
National Judges as European Union Judges - Knowledge, Experiences and Attitudes of Lower Court Judges in Germany and the Netherlands
8 October 2012
Lui Junhai
Arbitrato at VIAC, Professor and Director of the Business Law School Renmin University
Globalization and CSR Requirements for Multinationals Doing Business in China
28 June 2012
John B. Bellinger III
Arnold and Porter, LLP, formerly advisor Department of State (2005-2009)
The United States and International Law: the Use of Drones, the International Criminal Court, and the Alien Tort Statute
25 June 2012
Dr. Nout van Woudenberg
expert on international protection of cultural property
(as well as Legal Counsel of the International Law Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands)
State immunity and cultural objects on loan
11 June 2012
Pétur Leifsson
Assoc. Professor at the University of Iceland
The ICESAVE-Dispute is there really a state responsibility for deposits in private banks in Europe?
4 June 2012
Prof. Dr. h.c. Fausto Pocar
Appeals Judge and past President, ICTY
Principle of legality, legal sources and applicable law in international criminal jurisdiction
21 May 2012
Ambassador Dr. Helmut Tuerk
Judge of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
The Dispute concerning Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary between Bangladesh and Myanmar in the Bay of BengalJudgment of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
2 May 2012
Prof. Dr. Philippe Greciano
Professeur des Universités, Membre du Conseil de Direction du CREDOF (Paris Ouest)
Von Nürnberg bis Den Haag – Aufarbeitung und Versöhnung auf dem Weg zu Frieden und Gerechtigkeit
20 January 2012
Vladimir Tyc
Professor of International Law and European Law at the Masaryk University in Brno
International Agreements concluded by the EU with third parties
7 December 2011
Robert Kolb
Professor of Public International Law, University of Geneva
The Jurisdictional Immunities case (Germany vs. Italy) at the International Court of Justice
4 October 2011
Professor Lauri Mälksoo
University of Tartu
Russian Approaches to International and European Law: Recent Developments
15 April 2011
Anne K. Hoffmann
Partner in the Geneva office of Python & Peter
What us an Investment?" Recent Developments in the Case Law of Arbitral Tribunals
3 March 2011
Prof. Steven Freeland
University of Western Sydney, University of Copenhagen
The International Criminal Court - Recent Developments and Future Challenges
17 January 2010
Mag. Lisa Florkowski and Inga Bergmeier
MA Legal & Compliance, Raiffeisen Bank International AG
Financial Sanctions, UNSCR & EU list Quality, Legal and Practical Implications
24 November 2010
Zachary Douglas
University of Cambridge
The Prospects for a Coherent International Law on Investment
15 October 2010
Ambassador Dr. Helmut Tichy
Legal Advisor of the Austrian Foreign Ministry
The Advisory Opinion of the ICJ on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence
13 October 2010
Elisabeth Tuerk
Legal Expert, UNCTAD, International Agreements Section, Division on Investment and Enterprise Recent Policy Developments in International Investment Agreements
Key Findings of UNCTAD's 2010 World Investment Report
7 October 2010
HE Ambassador Dr. Sabri Kiqmari
Ambassador of the Republic of Kosovo in Austria
Das Verfahren in der Anerkennungsfrage der Republik Kosovo vor dem IGH und seine möglichen Auswirkungen
23 June 2010
Morten Kjærum
Director of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights: Objective-Tasks-ActivitieBitts-Limits
25 May 2010
Sahib Singh
Former Lecturer at the University College London and Clerk at the Public International Law Practice of Lathan & Watkins, London
Al-Sadoon: the ECHR, the Death Penalty and Norm Conflict
5 May 2010
Anne Peters
Chair of public international law and Swiss constitutional law, Law Faculty, University of Basel
The Constitutionalization of International Organizations
14 April 2010
Eisa Hoven
Freie Universität Berlin
The Khmer-Rouge-Tribunal - Cambodia's Search for Justice
25 March 2010
Manfred Schekulin
Director of Export and Investment Policy (Austrian Fed. Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth), Chair of OECD Investment committee
Austrian BITs within an Emerging European Investment Architecture
10 March 2010
Gerhard Loibl
Professor for International Law, Diplomatic Academy/Vienna
Climate Negotiations - the Copenhagen Summit (COP.15/CMP.5)
20 January 2010
Manfred Nowak
Professor for International Human Rights Protection, University of Vienna
Experiences as UN Special Rapporteur on Torture
25 November 2009
Gerhard Hafner
Professor of International Law (emer.), University of Vienna
The Arbitral Award in The Government of Sudan vs. The Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Army (Abyei Arbitration)
19 October 2009
Helen Stacy
Senior Fellow at the Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law at Stanford University’s Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Principal Investigator and Coordinator of the Human Rights Program; Senior Lecturer at Stanford Law School; faculty member of the Committee in Charge of the Program in Modern Thought and Literature; researcher with the European Forum at the Freeman Spogli Institute, and faculty advisor to the Center for African Studies
The US Torture Memos
5 June 2009
Ulrik Ahnfeldt-Mollerup
Terrorism Prevention Expert, UN Office on Drugs and Crime, Vienna
The Legal and Political Challenges to the UN Sanctions System
14 January 2009
Gerhard Hafner
Professor of International Law (ret.), University of Vienna
Current Developments in the ILC and the UN General Assembly's Sixth Committee
10 December 2008
Gerold Herrmann
Former Secretary of UNCITRAL
UNCITRAL - An Insider's View
22 October 2008
Scott F. Kilner
Chargé d’Affaires of the US Embassy Vienna
Continuity and Change of U.S. Foreign Policy in the Context of the U.S. Presidential Elections 2008
18 June 2008
Niklas Hedman
Office for Outer Space Affairs - United Nations Vienna
The Role of OOSA in Promoting the Legal Regime on Outer Space
21 May 2008
Dorothee Gottwald
Corruption and Economic Crime Section, UN Office on Drugs and Crime - UNODC
Fighting the Beast that will never Go Hungry? The UN Convention against Corruption
14 May 2008
Thomas Eilmansberger
Professor of European Law (University of Salzburg)
International Investment Protection in International and European Law
18 January 2008
Gerhard Hafner
Professor of International Law University of Vienna
Current Developments in the ILC and the UN General Assembly's Sixth Committee
18 December 2007
August Reinisch
Professor of International and European Law University of Vienna
The Reform of the UN's Administration of Justice System - From UNAT (UN Administrative Tribunal) to UNAT (UN Appeals Tribunal)
21 November 2007
José Angelo Estrella-Faria
Senior Legal Officer, United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL)
Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects
8 October 2007