Module 3 - Risk Prevention and Mitigation Strategies (17 ECTS Credits)

Module outcomes:

  • Fundamental understanding of the system of coping and recovery in disaster management;
  • Integration of coping and recovery into the integrated risk cycle (e.g. BABS, 2013; ÖNORM S 2304);
  • Explanation and discussion of the special challenges of operational units.

Key competences:

On completion of the module, students will have obtained knowledge on …

  • Technical, socioeconomic and legal principles of risk analysis, risk management and risk governance.
  • (A system-scientific/systematic overview of) strategies, processes and measures of risk- and disaster prevention.
  • Applications of the conveyed knowledge, to natural, technical and social risk scenarios (through case studies).
  • Developing their own competences when dealing with risk(s) and developing risk management plans/concepts in select areas, based on the available information.
  • The entire spectrum of the prevention and mitigation strategies, and their application in a practical exercise.